Lipo Cavitation Montreal Body Contouring Treatments

This non-invasive body contouring technique uses ultrasound cavitation to target fat cells. The targeted ultrasound frequency creates pressure and bubbles causing fat cell walls to break down and release their contents, which are then eliminated by the body lymphatic system. Our Lipo Cavitation Montreal treatments are designed to help you loose that stubborn fat and get you back on your feet to living a healthier lifestyle.

What is Lipo Cavitation Montreal Body Contouring Treatment

Ultrasonic Cavitation or Ultrasound Liposuction is a new, non-surgical fat removal procedure. This revolutionary procedure was designed in Europe. Because there is no surgery and no anesthesia, there is no hospital stay, no time off from work and no recovery time. Clients see immediate results and will continue to see results in the reduction of fat up to a week following the treatment.

Put simply, ultrasonic fat & cellulite cavitation is a weight-loss treatment that uses low-frequency sound waves to burst fat cells, which may result in lost inches on the treated areas and (ultimately) a slimmer figure. It’s been growing in popularity over the last few years because while traditional liposuction requires an invasive procedure to remove fat, this procedure doesn’t.

The treatment uses ultrasonic cavitation technology which allows for non-surgical attack of inflexible fat deposits that no matter how much you diet and exercise, never seems to disappear.

Unlike a traditional tummy tuck or liposuction, in ultrasonic cavitation there are no knives, no anesthesia and no surgery. Ultrasonic cavitation is similar to mesotherapy or lipodissolve in that it is a treatment for cellulite called localized adiposity.

The most common problem areas are the buttocks, abdomen, love handles (flanks), saddle bags (thighs), upper arms, inner knees and male breasts. Body contouring offers a way to get your body back that requires no recovery times, leaves no scars and needs no anesthesia.

Men benefit from Ultrasonic Cavitation as well. Male sessions included therapy treatment for male breasts and love handles in clients who were considering a procedure for male chest fat removal known as Gynecomastia. After receiving Ultrasonic Cavitation, they were very pleased with the results and changed their mind about the other procedures.

Ultrasonic Cavitation is the perfect treatment for women who want to contour their body and regain their confidence. Most clients see an immediate change in their appearance after the first session, with optimum results after 2 to 5 sessions. While this is a non-surgical way to sculpt and contour your body, this is not a replacement to a healthy diet and regular exercise. Ultrasonic Cavitation will help you get back your confidence and improve your body.

spa montreal body contouring spa montreal lipo cavitation body contouring treatment before after client 1
Lipo Cavitation Tummy Contouring
spa montreal body contouring spa montreal lipo cavitation body contouring treatment before after client 3
Lipo Cavitation Body Contouring
spa montreal body contouring spa montreal lipo cavitation body contouring under arm treatment before after client 1
Lipo Cavitation Under Arm excess fat removal

Call us now to book your next Lipo Cavitation Body Contouring Treatment

Let’s burn and melt your stubborn fat away

Treatments of 30 mins per session

Lipo Cavitation Stomach with RF/Lymphatic Massage 1 treatment-$110

5 treatments:    $500 and up

Lipo Cavitation Stomach with Cupping/Lymphatic Massage 1 treatment-$110

3 treatments:    $300 and up

Lipo Cavitation Back of legs  with RF 1 treatment                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -$100

3 treatments : $280 and up  

Lipo Cavitation Back of legs  with Wood Therapy 1 treatment                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -$110

5 treatments : $480 and up  

Lipo Cavitation Side of legs with Wood Therapy 1 treatment                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       -$110

5 treatments: $450 and up

Lipo Cavitation Arms with RF  1 treatment                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               -$100

5  treatments: $470 and up

Lipo Cavitation Back with RF 1 treatment                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -$120 

5  treatments: $550 and up                                           

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